Saturday, January 14, 2012

Talk is cheap, but making it true is PRECIOUS.

Currently, I'm having  my final exam for this semester.

Only one paper left (out of 5 papers). This Monday (16 Jan). Pray for me. Amen

During this exam's week, I spent most of my time in library. (Terutama waktu malam). 
Yup, UM library is now my 2nd home. Even though, boleh ja belajar dekat rumah sewa, lengkap dengan kemudahan meja, kerusi, buku-buku..etc. But, somehow I choose to go to library. Why? 
Dekat rumah ada internet berkelajuan tinggi, nak pergi UM kena pikir transport lagi, minyak moto lagi. Leceh. Buat apa nak susah kan diri? Kufur nikmat!
Well, the answer is simple.It is about developing a positive Habit

For me, it's not merely going to library (dah la sejuk!  -.-"), but it is my attempt, my effort to develop a good habit. One hour of my study in library is totally different with one hour at home.

Library = my 2nd home  (Credit)

A specific habit that I want to develop here is :

"Keghairahan  menuntut ilmu dengan fokus & prioriti" 
"disiplin untuk peruntukkan masa sekurang-kurangnya 1-2 jam untuk belajar"

So, I think library would be the most effective and convenient place to develop this particular habit. I'm tired of making promise to myself. Janji mahu serius study dekat rumah sewa. Janji tinggal janji. Study entah kemana, banyak buang masa ada la. Contoh, dekat rumah, if dalam 1 jam, maybe 10-15 minit pertama ja yang betul-betul buat revision/study, another 45 minutes? Well it goes for internet surfing, blog walking, Fb, YM, chatting with housemates...etc). Unproductive time! Oh God, I really hate this attitude! 

Keghairahan = passionate = eager to do something = your desire

I can choose either to study or not to study. (Credit)

Without a strong desire, nothing would happened. It just a dream. Everyday I will go to the library because it happens by one small act, duplicated over and over, for a period of time!

Fokus & Prioriti

Keep organize and know which topic do you want to study. (Credit)
Fokus maksudnya memberi tumpuan kepada sesuatu perkara secara mendalam sehingga menguasainya secara luas. 

Prioriti pula menilai sesuatu perkara, sama ada patut didahulukan atau dikemudiankan, sama ada patut dipertamakan (bukan pertama kompleks!) atau diletakkan di tangga ke-2, ke-3...etc. Step aside unimportant stuff like oversleeping, 'fasad booking' (Fb)...etc...I just remembered my previous post about thesis + facebook

I found this place in library (3rd floor) as the most convenient site to study (Credit)

I'm definitely gonna miss this place after grad!  -.-' (Credit)

Alhamdulliah, God helps me. I'm able to focus during my study is due to His will. Janji untuk fokus study sudah di buat but as the title above stated "Talk is cheap, but making it true is PRECIOUS". That's my principle. Sekadar bercakap mahu buat, itu mudah & murah, tapi menjadikan apa yang dikata itu realiti amat payah dan sangat berharga. The prophet (peace be upon him) is the best example to learn. He said something and he's the one who will do it first.

" Dan barangsiapa yang keluar berjalan mencari ilmu maka dimudahkan Allah baginya jalan ke syurga..
 [Muslim, Abu Daud, al-Tarmizi, Ibn Majah, dan Ahmad].

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellent, then, is not an act, but a habit"

p/s: Lets us study for the sake of Allah, have a pure intentions to help the Ummah. May the knowledge we gained will guide us to enter His Jannah. Ameen


Ruqaiyah Yusof said...

ngeeee..insaf...syukran..rasa macam memberi motivasi, dan rasa macam...hmmm...teruknye la aku..huhu...tu la, nak pegi library tersangatlah jauh, memandangkan kolej kami kat luar kampus..pegi study bilik kawan, banyak borak plak...T_T
xpe2, strive 4 more two paper..
insya Allah...btw, syukran 4 da entry..give me strength!!
insya Allah..

Muzze said...

Alhamdulillah.....hopefully u gain benefit from this 'picisan' artikel......i just want to share my bad habit....bermalasan nak study....huhuhu....T.T. Jgn di tiru sikap buruk ni.....tapi tak taw la....laki biasanya (x suma) study last minute....lagi pick up otak.....girls i'm not sure......but x kisah lah...yg penting tujuan utama n prioriti adalah menuntut ilmu.....(tak taw la ade org tu bizi ngan melukis n buat video photoshop tutorial)...haha....libry um xde jauh sgt from my praktikal la jugak library tu jd my 2 nd home.....u kena develop n really struggle tuk study...sikit2 but berterusan...insyaAllah jadi lah habit......;)

Ruqaiyah Yusof said...

adeh..sungguh berbisa ayat ni "tak taw la ade org tu bizi ngan melukis n buat video photoshop tutorial"...
insya Allah, but i've no idea how to develop...ngeeeee..T_T

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